Wednesday, February 15, 2017

In Class Work 1

Prescription drugs are more deadly than street drugs: 1.Use an APA generator 2.Grouded theory 3. This method makes use of other studies and their results all brought together to make an assumption on the fact that with the number of overdoses and users of prescription drugs makes prescription drugs more dangerous than street drugs. 4. The conclusion is that there are way more prescription drug users of drugs that are considered addictive and dangerous than street drugs. 5. I found it interesting that the journal explained that celebrities often use prescription drugs to get high so they don't have to deal with the spotlight deeming them an illegal drug addict. Prescription drug abuse: From Epidemiology to public policy: 1.Use an APA generator 2.RCT Effective 3. The Author uses this method to Determine the amount of people currently suffering from prescription drug abuse and how many people are seeking help. This method is used because it is more of the numbers and facts that they are trying to get across rather than a theory. 4. The conclusion was that more studies need to be done to determine the close links between certain prescription drugs and illegal drugs. Also more research needs to be done about how they affect you and what other methods could be replacements. 5. I found it interesting that it was found that certain combinations of prescription drugs can make them much more dangerous especially on ones cardiac health. Abuse of prescription and over-the-counter medications: 1. Use an APA generator 2. Case Control/Cohort 3. The author uses this research methods by comparing which treatment method helps and which one doesn't, as well as the other effects these treatments have. This is used so that we can further know how to go about treating prescription drug addicts. 4 The conclusion wasn't included in this, that's why this is a cohort study as well. 5. I don't know if i would consider it interesting, but i found that some methods given were very vague. Ex: Treating pain appropriately and aggressively. Prescription Drug Problem Sparks Debate Over Solutions: 1. Use APA generator 2. Policy 3. This used used by stating that it should be law that all doctors use prescription drug monitoring databases so that a patients drug abuse can be tracked and linked easier to specific drugs. This would help identify certain drugs as fact to be bad and addictive so that it can be made illegal. 4. The conclusion was that 37 states have these prescription drug monitoring databases however doctors are not required to use them. It also concludes that doctors should help educate patients more that these drugs are dangerous and addictive instead of just prescribing. 5. I found it shocking that the number of accidental opioid overdose from 1999 to 2007 in the U.S. has increased from 3000 to 12000.

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