Thursday, March 2, 2017

synthesis matrix 6-10

Synthesis Matrix/Critical Appraisal 6-10

Aim of Study
Type of literature + type of method
Strengths + limitations
Thematic codings
Raven Clabough
To show the number of people dying from prescription drugs is higher than many other illegal drugs
Teens that suffered from depression, anxiety and other social disorders were more likely to abuse prescription drugs that illegal drugs
This shows through study that kids don’t consider it abusing drugs when its something that’s legal. It shows that anything that is legal and easily accessible, kids suffering from an disorder will most likely attempt to use. It limitation is that it only compared prescription drugs to cocaine and heroine.
This falls in line with many studies that have tried to prove prescription drugs and their abuse when compared to illegal drugs.
This study was done by counting the number of kids who used prescription drugs and out of that number, how many were suffering from a social disorder.
John Gibb
To compare how well alternative medicines work as apposed to prescription medication
Behaviors, Attitudes
There wasn’t a conclusion to this
The strengths are that it backs the reasoning behind people looking for alternative medicines. It claims that people know there are too many side effects to prescription medication, however it does not say whether it actually works as well or not.
This falls in line with arguing for both sides in a way of giving both opinions to provide the reader with both options but not choosing which one is right.
This is a study done by giving the many peoples reasonings for choosing to use prescription medication or alternative medicine.
Thomas Sullivan
The aim to show that alternative medicine has some legitimacy behind but it also shouldn’t be used as a scam
The result was that there isn’t enough behind alternative medicine to be used in sureness
The strengths of this is that it tells how in some cases alternative medicine has worked well and.
It also shows that it could be somewhat a marketing scheme as well and doesn’t have enough proof behind it, The limitation is that this study says very little for actual prescription medication to compare.
This article is in general trying to tell that it could be tried but that alternative medication shouldn’t be relied on just yet.
This was done just by asking others who have studied this.
Dr. Mercola
To show that you are way more likely to die from pharmaceutical drugs than natural remidies or supplements.
Case control
The result was that you are 62,000 times more likely to die from pharmaceuticals that supplements.
The strength in this is they really did good studying on the numbers to show how dangerous prescription drugs are when compared to other alternative remedies. They however are obviously more proven to work though. The limitation is that they don’t give any solution.
This follows the same guideline that many articles do in that prescription drugs are incredibly dangerous.
This was done by taking Many studies and using 1 independent variable to test these to see how much more dangerous prescription drugs are than alternatives.
To find out whether patients know the effects of the drugs their taking
Case control
The result was that many o the patients taking these drugs did not know the toxic effects it had on them
The strength of this is that they did the testing and found that out of all the users most did not know what it even was they were taking.
The limitation was that they provided no solution.
This is a type of test to see how patients react to the safety of the drugs they are taking.
This was done by taking a number of patients that had used an alternative medication and finding out which number even knew what drugs were in it.

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